Disclaimer Page

Disclaimer Page


This blog is a collaborative blog written by a group of individuals. For questions about this blog, please contact Kelli@ourjourneytogreener.com.

Advice and recommendations in this blog are based on research and personal experience and are the personal opinions of the bloggers. They may be experts in the topic discussed but are not offering professional advice and are responsible for any actions taken by readers on behalf of themselves or others. When topics of nutrition and self-care are discussed, readers are encouraged to discuss with their personal healthcare provider before implementing any suggestions or recommendations made by bloggers.

The bloggers opinions are their own and do not represent any employers, businesses, or organizations they may belong to.

The content of this blog is dynamic and the opinions expressed by any blogger may change over time.

The bloggers on this site will not be liable for any comments made by any commentator. All comments will be reviewed prior to posting to the site and the Administrator reserves the right to refuse any comment be posted to the site at their discretion.

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