Why We’re Going Greener

May 30, 2018

Why We’re Going Greener

Have you ever looked around and knew there were things you could be doing to make your little spot in the World just a little bit better? Have you ever walked through a park and felt sad at the overflowing trash cans? Have you ever wondered if the food choices you’re making just might be contributing to the weight creep, fatigue, skin issues or general ugh feeling? Was there a time when you felt your professional passions were not carrying over into your personal life?

That’s where Brian and I were in 2013. We lived out of town and had to pay extra for the county to pick up a recycling bin- so we didn’t recycle. We both liked Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper more than we should. Our schedules were busy and meal prep was not a priority. If we had veggies they were more likely to go bad than be eaten. Our diets were carb heavy and we’d bought into the hype about low-fat. We weren’t having a positive impact on our church or community. Basically, we weren’t  living the life we knew God wanted us to.

The turning point for us was slow. God started working on our hearts. Brian mentioned a desire to see discussions about taking care of the Earth at church. And that is how “Creation Care” was started. I’ll have more about this in future posts. I pointed out we couldn’t be hypocrites so as we prayed and developed the concepts for “Creation Care”,  we also started changing our personal habits. This has opened our eyes! We have amazing conversations about the ripple effect modern lifestyles have on families, communities, regions, nations and the globe.

It’s now five years later. We have made big changes. Some have been successful. Some have not. For us, living greener is like every other aspect of our Christianity. We love God. We love God’s Creation. We strive to care for the Earth the way God cares for us. Sometimes we do better than others, but each day is a new opportunity to do better than the day before.

Some of our successes we’ll talk about: healthier food choices, comprehensive recycling, reduced packaging when purchasing, non-toxic cleaning supplies, implementing essential oils, repurposing and many, many more things.

What are you doing to care for your little spot in the World?

The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the World, and all who live in it
Psalm 24:1

Thank you for joining us and sharing our journey,

God Bless

Brian and Kelli Cochrane


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